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Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

How to write an Event Sponsorship Proposal

Anda EO- Event Organizer?

Anda EO- Event Organizer?
pasti sudah barang tentu anda jawab IYA.
dewasa ini Berjamuran EO, di Indonesia...seperti kacang goreng...
dari EO kecil sampai EO besar...tapi ada sedikit kesalahan EO-EO tersebut yaitu:

1. Merasa percaya diri di cari Perusahaan yang membutuhkannya
2. Merasa dirinya paling baik padahal eo sekarang banyak sekali dan selalu mengaku baik.
3. Tak berani share akan port folio di website atau media lain ya memang tidak dapat di pungkiri sekarang banyak sekali persaingan EO bahkan tidak sehat.
4. Tidak memiliki Profile yang baik dari companynya, hanya e-mail pada calon client dan mengatakan saya EO, pernah mengerjakan ini, itu, onoh...well...realistic dude...send ur profile it a must...

okay...jika anda eo, silahkan anda post di bawah ini siapa anda, saya contohkan...
jl.asal bagus no.34 Jakarta
Tlp. 021-3854753

toh tidak sulit bukan?

promotion - sales promotion

A good definition of sales promotion would be as follows:
“An activity designed to boost the sales of a product or service. It may include an advertising campaign, increased PR activity, a free-sample campaign, offering free gifts or trading stamps, arranging demonstrations or exhibitions, setting up competitions with attractive prizes, temporary price reductions, door-to-door calling, telemarketing, personal letters on other methods”.
More than any other element of the promotional mix, sales promotion is about “action”. It is about stimulating customers to buy a product. It is not designed to be informative – a role which advertising is much better suited to.
Sales promotion is commonly referred to as “Below the Line” promotion.
Sales promotion can be directed at:
• The ultimate consumer (a “pull strategy” encouraging purchase)
• The distribution channel (a “push strategy” encouraging the channels to stock the product). This is usually known as “selling into the trade”
Methods of sales promotion
There are many consumer sales promotional techniques available, summarised in the table below:

Price promotions
Price promotions are also commonly known as” price discounting”
These offer either (1) a discount to the normal selling price of a product, or (2) more of the product at the normal price.
Increased sales gained from price promotions are at the expense of a loss in profit – so these promotions must be used with care.
A producer must also guard against the possible negative effect of discounting on a brand’s reputation
Coupons are another, very versatile, way of offering a discount. Consider the following examples of the use of coupons:
- On a pack to encourage repeat purchase
- In coupon books sent out in newspapers allowing customers to redeem the coupon at a retailer
- A cut-out coupon as part of an advert
- On the back of till receipts
The key objective with a coupon promotion is to maximise the redemption rate – this is the proportion of customers actually using the coupon.
One problem with coupons is that they may simply encourage customers to buy what they would have bought anyway. Another problem occurs when retailers do not hold sufficient stocks of the promoted product – causing customer disappointment.
Use of coupon promotions is, therefore, often best for new products or perhaps to encourage sales of existing products that are slowing down.
Gift with purchase
The “gift with purchase” is a very common promotional technique. It is also known as a “premium promotion” in that the customer gets something in addition to the main purchase. This type of promotion is widely used for:
- Subscription-based products (e.g. magazines)
- Consumer luxuries (e.g. perfumes)
Competitions and prizes
Another popular promotion tool with many variants. Most competition and prize promotions are subject to legal restrictions.
Money refunds
Here, a customer receives a money refund after submitting a proof of purchase to the manufacturer.
These schemes are often viewed with some suspicion by customers – particularly if the method of obtaining a refund looks unusual or onerous.
Frequent user / loyalty incentives
Repeat purchases may be stimulated by frequent user incentives. Perhaps the best examples of this are the many frequent flyer or user schemes used by airlines, train companies, car hire companies etc.
Point-of-sale displays
Research into customer buying behaviour in retail stores suggests that a significant proportion of purchases results from promotions that customers see in the store. Attractive, informative and well-positioned point-of-sale displays are, therefore, very important part of the sales promotional activity in retail outlets.

Below the Line Promotion and Marketing With Articles

Article writing can be useful when you are using it as a promotional tool. You can use it to sell a product or to promote an idea. With the advent of the internet, article writing is becoming a very valuable way to communicate when promoting and marketing.
Information can be disseminated in many types of markets. In promotion there are two types:

Above the line. Media such as television, radio, internet, mobile phones and newspapers is direct. The consumer recognizes that the product is being promoted. The consumer recognizes that the product is being sold to them in a commercial or an advertisement.

Below the line promotion. This approach is more subtle and uses product placement, direct mail, trade shows and sponsorship. You will see this approach in movies and television shows. It is becoming more popular as the consumer is able to bypass watching commercials with new technology.
Below the line promotion is more appropriate when it comes to articles. When using article writing to promote a product it is important to keep it short and to the point. Try to stay within 250-500 words because it is important to remember that this is the information age and there is a plethora of information available to the average person. Make it interesting and concise. You must be able to explain what it is you are promoting and also make sure to mention key points. It seems like an impossible task but with some practice it will become second nature.
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Looking below the line

In today’s cut-throat competition, below-the-line promotions have become indispensable tools for both start-ups and large organizations, thanks to the low cost factor. “At least 70% of the decisions on whether to buy something or not is made at the shop floor,” says Vijay Singh, MD & CEO of 141 Sercon, a below-the-line (BTL) promotion agency. DARE explores the possibilities and limitations of this powerful tool.

What is BTL?
It is everywhere and almost everyone is doing it yet to define the scope of BTL is quite a difficult task. While some include everything that is not mass media advertising in BTL promotions, others include only activities that are done for a certain class of consumers or target audience. It helps marketers establish one-to-one relationship with consumers while mass promotions, by definition, make it difficult to gauge consumer-response, except at the time of sales. Examples include tele-marketing, road shows, promotions, in- shop and shop-front activities, display units and entertainment events.
Purists like Singh insist all micro promotions, in which a narrow group is targeted, do not qualify as BTL marketing. “All agencies that were small startups, event companies, promotion companies etc. have suddenly become big BTL houses. But that’s not all what BTL is,” he says, emphasizing the two-way nature of the process. “BTL is about ensuring interaction. You need to define new consumers and do activities where there is an experience of interaction. BTL, by definition, has to be a long interaction and it has to be told. You need to tell the consumer something and the consumer needs to experience it and ask you question”.

BTL and the Start Up“Given the proliferation of media and brands using them, the media market has become extremely cluttered,” says Pankajj Chaturvedi, Executive Director (South Asia), Baskin Robbins. “This has made addressing your core target audience a difficult and expensive task. As a result, BTL advertising is increasing its share in marketing budgets. Even the larger brands are spending a fair share on BTL,” he points out.

Above-the-Line Media… Below-the-Line Media…
Are tailored to reach a mass audience Are targeted at individual consumers, based on their expressed needs and preferences
Establish brand identity or reinforce emotional concept surrounding a product or brand Issue a “call-to-action,” inspiring specific customer activity or tailored messages about a product or a brand
May or may not drive customer response Drive individual responses
Are difficult – if not impossible – to measure with any accuracy Are highly measurable, allowing marketers insight into their return-on-investment, as well as those tactics that are (and are not) working
Cater to the mass market Establish one-to-one relationships between consumers and marketers
Source: V12 Group
While most big consumer brands like LG, Samsung and Nokia have a range of BTL activities; this method of promotion is especially suited to newer companies and products. For a new product, consumer interaction and feedback during a BTL campaign helps in fine-tuning the offering and positioning of the brand.

Vijay Singh MD & CEO, 141 Sercon
Why is BTL gaining more importance these days?The BTL industry has been around for a very long time, it’s just that now there is a little more recognition that what was earlier very fragmented is actually a fairly structured BTL business. Traditionally brand managers have been spending money on three broad areas -- one is ATL, second is marketing services or BTL and the third being PR.
Earlier, rather than it being a structured as marketing services, people used to look at it as promotions being done separately, shop-front activities being done differently, product placements, etc. been done differently, etc. Now more and more brand managers are clubbing it into a single BTL format. They want an agency that can possibly give a solution for all that.
Is the increasing presence of BTL felt only in the FMCG and the durables market?No. The B2B business already has the majority of the spend. What was not happening was that FMCG in terms of percentage was not spending as high a percentage as what they are doing now on BTL. Also BTL is not just about niche products. Look at soap, it is definitely not niche as everyone uses it. If you were to reduce the BTL spend on soaps, let’s say you don’t do any shop-front activities, you don’t do any inside the shop activities, so and so forth, you will need to bring down your sales focus.
What kind of ATL and BTL mix would work for a startup operation?It is dependent on the product category and the kind of consumer you have. A startup I am assuming doesn’t have a lot of money so a startup typically would want to ensure that whatever the expense it gets some quick results that is where a BTL would come in. But if it is a startup with a lot of money, for instance, someone got lucky and got a lot of funding and is first looking at building the brand and then do sales then I would assume that he would first want to use some TV commercials, a lot of focus on print ads then from there start doing demand generation.
How many companies are spending a substantial amount of money on BTL these days?In India our current estimate is on an average it is about 45% of the spend on BTL and I am including areas such as research marketing, a little bit of digital, etc.
The difference with ATL is that the vehicles of delivery are fairly very well established. For e.g., out of a great idea and great strategy, I create a great TVC and I give it to established television channels to run it on their vehicles, and nothing goes wrong.
When it comes to BTL, I still need to have a great strategy and a great creative idea but I need to implement it on ground. I’ll need to do promotions, I’ll need to do road shows, and I’ll need to do one-on-one interaction. And if I don’t implement it well, the possibility of a BTL campaign backfiring is very high. If I am a consumer and the person interacting with me doesn’t do a great job, that particular campaign will fall flat on its face. So the moments of truth on a BTL are too many.
What is the ROI on these BTL initiatives?If you ask an ATL guy, he is normally going to talk in terms of increase in brand recall. If you talk to a BTL person he’ll give you hard numbers, in terms of revenue increase.
Recently, for example, we ran the “Grand Kerala Shopping Festival” campaign with the Kerala government and they spent close to Rs 15 crore on the entire festival. It was a six- month initiative, and at the end we were able to increase the VAT collection of the state to the extent of approximately Rs 75 crore. This is hard money-to-money comparison but we also had to built the brand and do a lot of ATL with that campaign. The deal is if you cannot really measure the return on investment on a BTL campaign, then it’s not really a good campaign.
As compared to ATL, what is one big advantage and disadvantage of BTL?The big disadvantage is that BTL is not the best information vehicle, a mass information vehicle. If the idea is just to convey the brand, then BTL is not the right solution. Turn it on its head, if the objective is to create a conversation about the brand and to get engagement with the consumer then BTL is the right solution.

While there’s nothing stopping you from launching a conventional mass-media based strategy, which would only help you in your brand creation, according to experts, it might be a good idea to initiate a BTL campaign and check which way the wind would blow as per your sales.
“We are an innovation driven company, so we are continuously launching new products. Our products have new and exciting features, which are required to be communicated to the consumer and therefore require investment in the form of above-the-line (ATL) AND BTL”, says V Ramachandran, director, marketing, LG Electronics India.
Besides fine-tuning the product and brand, another big reason for a startup to favorably consider this tool is the cost factor. BTL offers a wide spectrum of dirt cheap to more expensive activities, starting from distributing pamphlets, brochures, newspaper inserts, etc. to holding seminars and product launches. “Unlike traditional advertising, the impact of BTL activities is far more measurable, since it is less about brand building and more about increasing sales”, says Singh.
Besides new products and startups, another natural fit are companies with a niche, but geographically spread-out customer-base, such as that for precision engineering tools. In such cases, a seminar or trade show may bring you a much bigger bang for your buck than a TV ad. Sometimes, even if the product can have a national appeal, a company may choose to start off with just one town or city. BTL options such as pamphlets, mall events etc. fit the bill in this case. “We have always (nationally as well as internationally) been more of a BTL-led brand, given that our customers are specific and not mass market,” says Chaturvedi of Baskin Robbins. “In India, the popular and regular activities are leaflets, cross-promotions with retail chains or outlets and school contact progrmmes,” he says.

LimitationsThe BLT industry is fragmented with many small players dotting the market and doing a bit of everything. The industry size was estimated at Rs 13,200 crore in 2006. However, despite all the hype, BTL initiatives cannot be the answer to all your marketing requirements. Its biggest strength, an extremely focused approach, is also what prevents it from being a complete marketing solution. Besides the absence of cost-effective scalability to address a mass market, BTL activities may also require a higher involvement of the organization than an ad-based approach.

sumber : below the line strategy (internet)

Contoh Proposal Event

silahkan ada download contoh-contoh proposal event:

Party (low budget)


Event Planning

Event planning is the process of planning a festival, ceremony, competition, party, or convention. Event planning includes budgeting, establishing dates and alternate dates, selecting and reserving the event site, acquiring permits, and coordinating transportation and parking.
Event planning also includes some or all of the following, depending on the event: developing a theme or motif for the event, arranging for speakers and alternate speakers, coordinating location support (such as electricity and other utilities), arranging decor, tables, chairs, tents, event support and security, catering, police, fire, portable toilets, parking, signage, emergency plans, health care professionals, and cleanup.
Event Planning is a relatively new career field. There is now training that helps one trying to break into the career field. There must be training for an event planner to handle all the pressure and work efficiently. This career deals with a lot of communication and organization aspects. There are many different names for an event planner such as a conference coordinator, a convention planner, a special event coordinator, and a meeting manager.
Steps to Planning an Event
The first step to planning an event is determining its purpose, whether it is for a wedding, company, birthday, festival, graduation or any other event requiring exstensive planning. From this the event planner needs to choose entertainment, location, guest list, speakers, and content. The location for events is endless, but with event planning they would likely be held at hotels, convention centers, reception halls, or outdoors depending on the event. Once the location is set the coordinator/planner needs to prepare the event with staff, set up the entertainment, and keep contact with the client. After all this is set the event planner has all the smaller details to address like set up of the event such as food, drinks, music, guest list, budget, advertising and marketing, decorations, all this preparation is what is needed for an event to run smoothly.An event planner needs to be able to manage their time wisely for the event, and the length of preparation needed for each event so it is a success.

Working Conditions
Event planners work is considered either stressful or energizing. This line of work is also considered fast paced and demanding. Planners face deadlines and communicating with multiple people at one time. Planners spend most of their time in offices, but when meeting with clients the work is usually on-site at the location where the event is taking place. Some physical activity is required such as carrying boxes of materials and decorations or supplies needed for the event. Also, long working hours can be a part of the job. The day the event is taking place could start as early as 5:00 a.m. and then work until midnight. Working on weekends is sometimes required, which is when many events take place.
Publications and Resources
Many business-to-business trade publications exist to help event planning and production professionals become educated about the issues and trends in their industry. Many are controlled circulation publications available at no cost to qualified event professionals. Qualification is based on multiple variables like job title, company type, industry segment or geographic region, and is at the publisher’s discretion.

Reference: Wikipedia

How To Attract The Right People To Your Event

There are many different types of events and there are different people who you will like to attract to the party, however, you need to attract the right people to the event or it just won’t be the same.
One of the best ways to attract the right people is make your party a private party. Private parties are invitation only. When you have a private party you are able to limit the amount of people who will attend and also the type of people that will come. This is when you can send it to all the people that you truly would like at the party. However, just because you invite them, doesn’t mean that they will come. So how do you get the people who really want to come to the party?
The way to get all those important people that you want to come to your party is offer them something they can’t refuse. On the invitation, which should be professionally done, you will want to say something encouraging. Things like you are invited to the ____’s party of the year or a night of romance and dining. Most people will not turn down a dinner party because it is a way for them to associate and mingle with possible business associates.
To weed out the unwanted, you should state on the invitation the dress code. Like black tie event, or semi-formal/formal. Usually, the more emphasis on formal, the more likely you are able to weed out all those who wouldn’t fit in. Most people will not attend a party if they feel uncomfortable. If you would like to invite someone who wouldn’t fit in, go ahead, because at least you can say that you offered, but most likely they won’t come and ruin the party by their antics.
Another way to get the people whom you really want to come is by giving them a VIP ticket to the party. This way they can come and associate with other people whom you think is very important to the party, but they don’t have to deal with all the hassle of associating with those whom they would rather not. VIP also makes a person feel very special and honored. With the word VIP, they are more likely to come because it is an honor. It is one way to lure the best guests to come to a party or event.
You need to hire a publicist to help you plan a huge event for you. Your publicist will do everything for the party. They will advertise how great the party is and they will also show you ways to enhance your public look. They will make your look and act like a VIP without being a VIP. A publicist will help you look ten times better. They know exactly what it takes to get the ideal guests to attend and what you need to do to persuade them to come.
One of the best times to throw a party is when you are moving up the ladder. This way you can have people whom you have become friends with and also make some business contacts. Getting the important people to the party can be hard, but many of them are interested in the new person. They want to know the person who may, someday, replace them. That’s one reason why you might get them to come, however, you need to consider that when it comes to the party. You need to think about why they are coming and then deliver all that they expect from the party, your family, and your home so that they keep you mind.

sumber : www.12-monkeys.com

When You Need To Hire An Event Planner?

Planning a party is not always easy for everyone.  It can be something that is a lot of hard work and may even be a little tiring to some.  When you are trying to plan the party that has everything that you are looking for and so much more, you may want to have a professional help you with all the things that you have to do.
Having an event planner help you with our special occasion is something that you may not think you need, but you may be wrong. When you have a lot of things to do and not enough time to do them all in, you will want to make sure that you have the help that you need to get it all done in time.
Getting an event planner can also help you find different ideas that you could not get on your own. You will appreciate the ideas that you can get from an event planner that has a lot of different experience with planning a great party. They will be able to bring some fun and flair to your night and make it the best that it can be.
Hiring an event planner is nothing to be worried about. You will find that it can be something that will make your party a great success. Finding an event planner is not something that will be too hard either. There are many people that are looking to help you out with your next event. You will be able to check out the different options that you have and go from there. You will see that there are all different types of planners that come with different prices as well. It will depend on the type of party and amount of work that needs to be done.
You will find that the larger parties are going be difficult to take on by yourself. You will want to have someone that you can rely on and trust to make the difficult decisions about things that have to be done. You will the skill of an event planner to make this great time even better. Memories are the one thing that many people like to have of special occasions and you will want all of your memories to be great.
Weddings are an event that will probably call for an event planner to take charge. There are many preparations that need to be done and you will find it a lot easier to get help for them.  When you have someone to take on all the problems that happen and take the stress off you, you will be able to sit back and enjoy more of the process instead of worrying about it all the time.
Surprise parties and larger sized birthday parties may also call for an event planner to help. Getting someone to find the place, food, entertainment, and all the hard to deal with problems that can happen with a party is going to take a lot of pressure off of you.  You will want to have a good time at the party too and not be stressing over the things that need to be done.  That is what you are going to pay the event planner to do.
After the party is over with and you have had the best time ever, you will then have to decide if you want to fess up and let everyone know your secret about the event planner, or let them think that you did it all on your own.  Either way, you will feel good about the choice you made and actually be excited about the next party you have to plan.

Learn How To Create An Event That Will Generate Revenue For You!

When you are thinking about getting a great event together and making it special, you will want to use a little bit of your creative mind to make it great. You will want to learn how to create an event that will generate revenue for you. You will be able to make a great profit with your event and this will be a great success.
If you are trying to plan something that will bring you a little bit of profit, you will have to spend a little bit too. You will want to make sure that you are able to find the funds to spend on your special event. This is something that will be a great idea for you and one that will defiantly work out in the end.
You need to find the money to create your special event. You will want to hold fundraisers if necessary and other special events to make this great success happen for you. You will love the fact that you can get some of the money for your event and get all things that you want and need in to pull this thing off.
You will want to be sure that you are using the right materials to make the event great. You should have the right decorations that are going to really make your event stand out. You will also want to have the right location to start. You will find that there are many different areas that you can hold your event. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you reserve the spot that will accommodate all of the guests and have enough room to keep them all comfortable.
After you have the location that is best for you, you will have to pick the food and the entertainment. You need to have a good menu that will get people’s attention. Everyone wants to have a good meal when they go out especially if this is a meal that they are going to end up paying for. They will want to have something that is delicious and something that will give them a great impression.
Depending on the reason for your event, you may have to decide what type of donation you are looking for. You will want to use the donations for the cause that you are looking for. You will have to make sure that you are doing your best to raise the most money that you can for your cause. This will make you feel better and get a better reaction to your party.
Take the time to make the best of your budget and use all the resources that you have to make the event the perfect party. You will get more people to come to your party as well as make good revenue that you can use for purpose of the party. Sticking to your budget will help to keep you on track and make you more money in the end.
Make sure that you are advertising your event. You need to get all the publicity that you can when you are try to make some revenue from an event. This is something that you can be sure to have a great experience with if you are willing to go the distance and put forth your best effort to make your event stand out from the rest. People will be pleased with the great job that you have done and they will want to give up their money because of the wonderful job they have had.

Terimakasih Atas Penolakan (jika event anda di tolak)

Diantara kita pasti pernah mengalami penolakan, mulai dari penolakan untuk persentasi sampai dengan penolakan untuk menjadi sponsor. Ditolak bukan berarti gagal, itu bertanda suatu keberhasilan besar yang tertunda. Semua tergantung bagaimana cara kita menyikapinya, hal yang paling pertama kali harus kita lakukan pada saat ditolak adalah mengirimkan surat ucapan terimakasih kepada perusahaan yang menolak kita. Mungkin kita sedikit sebel dan kesel karena ditolak, tapi semuanya akan hilang pada saat kita mengirimkan surat ucapan terimakasih.

Contoh surat ucapan terimakasih atas penolakan :

Jakarta, 13 Februari 2009

Kepada yth,
Bapak ABC
Direktur Pemasaran

Dengan hormat,
Pertama-tama kami mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Bapak yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk mempelajari proposal kami. Mungkin seperti dugaan Bapak , saya agak kecewa karena PT.XYZ tidak bisa mensponsori proyek kami “Lomba Masak dengan Kayu Bakar”. Setelah kami sampaikan, proyek kami memberikan kesempatan promosi dan pemasaran yang unik, dan akses terhadap target pasar perusahaan bapak dalam biaya yang efektif dan sikap yang kreatif. namun kami mengakui, bahwa melakukan investasi dalam setiap proposal spnsorship merupakan pekerjaan yang sulit.

Kami sangat mengiginkan untuk tetap berhubungan dengan Bapak. Baru-baru ini kami mengembangkan proyek pendidikan yang luas, yang secara spesifik menargetkan keluarga-keluarga muda dan kami yakin bahwa tujuan pemasaran Bapak bisa ditunjukan kepada salah satu proyek kami yang akan datang.

Sekali lagi kami mengucapkan terimakasih telah mempertimbangkan proposal kami.

Hormat saya,

Inti dari surat ini adalah ucapan terimakasih dan menjaga hubungan, siapa tau untuk event yang berikutnya perusahan tersebut mau memakai EO kita. Yang paling penting adalah kita dapat memberikan kesan positif pada perusahaan tersebut. Mungkin sebelum surat ini kita kirim perusahaan tersebut memandang EO kita sebelah mata bahkan kartu nama yang kita berikan akan dibuang oleh beliau, tapi setelah menerima dan membaca surat kita dia akan tersenyum bahkan akan menyimpan kartu nama kita untuk event yang akan datang.

Tetap semangat dan selalu berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik, pengalaman adalah guru yang paling berharga. Lakukan evaluasi dan terus berkreasi…

sumber: www.12-monkeys.com

Peran Baru Sponsorship

Sebelum mencari sponsor, ada baiknya terlebih dahulu kita memahami konsep sponsorship yang terbaru. Saat ini banyak sekali Event Organizer atau penyelenggara acara lainnya masih melihat pencarian sponsor semata-mata sebagai aktivitas penggalangan dana untuk mendukung acara yang dibuat. Padahal kini sponsorship telah berubah menjadi sebuah bentuk kerjasama kemitraan pemasaran antara perusahaan penyelenggara event dengan perusahaan sponsor. Apabila kita tidak siap menjadi bagian dari jalinan kemitraan upaya pemasaran yang saling menguntungkan, kegiatan sponsorship yang kita bina akan gagal, mungkin saja kita berhasil mendapatkan sponsor, tapi akan gagal mempertahankan hubungan kerjasama untuk jangka panjang.

Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, pekerjaan untuk mencari sponsor telah berubah secara drastis. Hal ini dipicu terutama oleh meningkatnya harapan dari para sponsor. Mereka ingin kegiatan sponsorshipnya dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mencapai berbagai sasaran sekaligus, dengan mengintegrasikan sponsorshipnya ke dalam beragam aktivitas pemasaran lain. Mereka ingin sponsorshipnya benar-benar dapat menghubungkannya dengan pasar sasaran. Dalam jangka panjang, para sponsor tidak tertarik diasosiasikan dengan acara (event) yang disponsorinya. Mereka tidak ingin mengaitkan mereknya dengan sepak bola, seni, ataupun aktivitas lainnya. Mereka ingin membangun hubungan dengan pasar sasaran sampai pada tingkat hubungan personal, memperkuat hubungan tersebut dan menciptakan tingkat relevansi yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh media pemasaran seperti televisi, radio atau surat kabar.

Dengan demikian, tugas pencari sponsor telah berubah dari ibarat sebagai pengibar bendera menjadi pipa penyalur, dengan menawarkan beragam manfaat dan peluang yang dapat membantu sponsor mencapai tingkat hubungan tertentu dengan pasar sasarannya. Saat ini para sponsor juga mengharapkan agar kita membantu mereka memahami lebih mendalam mengenai para pengunjung acara yang kita selenggarakan. Mereka bukan sekedar ingin tahu tentang umur dan jenis kelamin para pengunjung, tetapi mereka juga ingin tahu mengapa orang-orang tersebut mau untuk datang ke acara kita, apa yang menjadi daya tarik utamanya. Para sponsor juga ingin dapat memperbaiki atau meningkatkan pengalamannya.

Ini berarti kita sebagai pencari sponsor dituntut bekerja lebih extra keras lagi. Apabila sponsorship dipilih berdasarkan manfaat dari besarnya eksposur atau kemewahan acara, para sponsor selalu dapat memilih acara (event) lain yang diselenggarakan oleh pesaing kita. Event adalah komoditas yang mudah diganti-ganti. Sponsor dapat dengan mudah pindah ke berbagai event yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, penyelanggara event tidak dapat mengandalkan pendapatan dari sponsor. Model baru dari sponsorship didasarkan pada kemitraan. Sponsorship yang didasarkan pada kemitraan mampu memberikan beragam jenis hasil yang menyebabkan sponsor manapun sulit untuk meninggalkan kerjasama kemitraan tersebut.

Reference by:

Event Sponsorship; Anne-Marie Grey & Kim Skildum-Reid

Analisa SWOT Sebuah Event

SWOT adalah singkatan dari Strenghts (kekuatan), Weakness (kelemahan), Oppurtunities (peluang), Threats(ancaman). Analisa SWOT adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi isu-isu internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kemampuan kita dalam memasarkan event kita.

Kekuatan dan Kelemahan
Untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan event, kita harus mencermati isu-isu dalam organisasi yang mempengaruhi kemampuan kita menjual event ke pasar dan sponsor. Wilayah penting yang perlu digali adalah persepsi dari si EO itu sendiri terhadap suatu event. Jika EO kita memandang event tersebut sebagai perioritas dan peluang untuk meningkatkan profil EO, maka event tersebut menjadi sebuah kekuatan. Namun jika kita memandang event tersebut sebagai pemborosan sumber daya,maka event tersebut menjadi kelemahan.

Peluang dan Ancaman
Langkah selanjutnya adalah menganalisa semua faktor di luar organisasi yang mungkin mempengarhi event kita. Analisa eksternal ini akan membantu kita mengidentifikasi peluang dan ancaman yang terkait dengan event. Segera setelah menentukan ancaman-ancaman atas event kita, kita bisa menaksir ulang situasi dan menganalisa bagaimana cara mengubah ancaman itu menjadi peluang.

Sebagai contoh,jika kita sedang menangani sebuah festval untuk anak-anak, faktor-faktor eksternal berikut ini mungkin mempengaruhi event kita :
- Cuaca
- Ada acara yang lebih besar berlangsung pada hari yang sama
- Minimnya kehadiran pada event tahun lalu
- Sediktnya jumlah anak dalam kelompok usia yang relevan di database kita, dan lain-lain

Penting sekali memustkan perhatian pada masing-masing ancaman atas sebuah event saat kita menjalankan perencanaan, untuk memastikan keberhasilan event tersebut. Pengategorisasian suatu ancaman akan menentukan cara kita merespon ancaman untuk meminimalkan efeknya.

1. Monitor
Ancaman yang kita putuskan untuk “sekedar dimonitor” adalah jenis ancaman yang tidak atau sedikit dapat di kontrol, tetapi tidak berdampak besar pada event. Kita hanya ingin tahu apa yang akan terjadi

2. Monitor dan Analisa
Ancaman yang kita putuskan untuk “di monitor dan di analisa” merupakan ancaman yang bisa sedikit dikontrol, tetapi kita perlu memastikan bagaimana ancaman tersebut dapat mempengaruhi event kita.

3. Strategi-strategi Kontingensi
Ancaman yang kita putuskan untuk “di respon dengan suatu startegi kontingensi”, adalah semua ancaman yang dapat kita kurangi pengaruhnya dengan perencanaan. Sebagai contoh jika cuaca buruk adalah ancaman bagi event di luar ruangan, kita bisa menetapkan bagaimana kita akan menanganinya, menunda event, pindah ke indoor, pawang hujan atau sedikit merubah konsep.

4. Analisa in-depth dan Strategi Pengembangan
Ancaman yang kita putuskan untuk “di respon dangan analisa in-depth dan strategi pengembangan” adalah semua ancaman yang memiliki kemungkinan paling besar untuk mempengaruhi event kita. faktor-faktor teknologi, pesaing dan legislatif adalah contoh-contoh ancaman yang mungkin memerlukan analisa dan strategi pengembangan lebih detil lagi

Setelah semua telah kita analisa dengan baik, barulah kita dapat menentukan langkah selanjutnya untuk menjalankan event yang telah direncanakan, dan alangkah baiknya apabila kita juga dapat melakukan analisa pesaing dan strategi pemasaran terhadap event tersebut.

sumber: www.12-monkeys.com

Membuat Proposal yang Meyakinkan

Membuat Proposal yang Meyakinkan

Membuat proposal sebuah event adalah membuat penawaran ide dan gagasan yang terkonsep atau gambaran rinci tentang sebuah event yang akan diselenggarakan secara tertulis. Disinilah kita harus bisa menjual gagasan semenarik mungkin karena proposal adalah ujung tombak yang digunakan untuk presentasi dengan klien.

sebelum menyusun propsal alangkah baiknya kita membuat kerangka proposal event yang akan kita selenggarakan. Pembuatan kerangka proposal akan mempermudah penyusunan, baik redaksional maupun tatannanya, selain itu juga akan meminimalisir kesalahan atau kekurangan penginputan data yang diperlukan untuk dicantumkan dalam proposal kita.

Agar dapat menyediakan informasi yang memadai sesuai kebutuhan calon sponsor, sebuah proposal harus mengandung bagian-bagian beriku ini :

Gambaran Umum
Gambaran umum memberi gambaran mengenai organisasi kita dan manfaat yang dapat kita tawarkan kepada sponsor

Rincian event
Lembar informasi yang berisi daftar tanggal, jam, lokasi, proyeksi jumlah dan profil pengunjung, harga tiket, jumlah keanggotaan, dan sebagainya. Semuanya berkaitan dengan data kuantitatif, informasi yang disediakan disini bervariasi, tergantung pada jenis acara yang diselenggarakan.

Pada saat menyususn anggaran, buatlah serealistis mungkin. hindari kesan Mark Up yang berlebihan karena akan mencerminkan pribadi yang rakus. lebih baik realistis tapi manis, bukan?

Rencana Pemasaran
Rencana pemasaran untuk event yang telah kita susun dicantumkan pada bagian ini. Rencana tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana kita akan memasarkan event kita, nilai dari semua komponen pemasaran, media yang akan kita gunakan dan rencana publikasi

Proposal selayaknya bisa mengugah calon sponsor untuk segera memanggil kita dan membicarakan gagasan kita. Buat gagasan tersebut menjadi sebuah gagasan yang langka, baru dan unik. Tekankan pula bahwa gagasan tersebut harus segera diwujudkan, jika tidak gagasan tersebut akan diwujudkan oleh produk kompetitornya, dan akan rugi kalau tidak segera merealisasikannya.

Riset Pasar
Untuk mendapatkan sponsor, kita harus memiliki informasi menyeluruh mengenai pasar sasaran kita, paling tidak profilnya siapa mereka, tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan mereka, dimana mereka tinggal dan sebagainya. Tentu ini diperoleh dari riset, jangan menggunakan istilah yang umum dalam menggambarkan pasar kita. Ini menunjukan bahwa kita tidak tahu siapa pasar kita yang sesungguhnya. Contoh istilah umum yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan pasar sasaran adalah seperti “pencinta seni”, “pengunjung mall” atau masyarakat umum dan sebagainya.

Paket Manfaat
Tampilkan semua manfaat yang ditawarkan kepada calon sponsor dengan mengambil daftar inventaris manfaat. Manfaat yang dicantumkan dalam daftar harus merupakan paket lengkap yang sesuai untuk suatu calon sponsor tertentu, tetapi jangan mencantumkan semua manfaat yang ada dalam daftar inventaris. Mengemas manfaat menjadi suatu paket yang customized untuk calon sponsor tertentu sangatlah penting. Gunakan tanda untuk masing-masing manfaat, untuk mempermudah pemahaman calon sponsor, kita juga dapat mengelompokan manfaat tersebut kedalam kategori yang telah ditetapkan dalam daftar inventaris manfaat.

dalam bagian ini, kita harus merinci semua bentuk investasi yang dapat di kontribusikan oleh sponsor. Investasi tersebut dapat berbentuk uang tunai, jasa atau barang, dukungan promosi yang secara langsung menguntungkan EO kita. Dalam bagian ini kita harus memasukan batas tanggal pelunasan pembayaran berikut insentif yang kita tawarkan

Setelah calon sponsor yakin dengan gagasn kita, kita tinggal menunggu tindakan mereka. Biasa jadi dalam satu minggu kita diminta datang untuk melakukan brainstorming. Tetapi jika ternyata belum ada jawaban, tidak ada salahnya kita yang action terlebih dahulu menanyakan kepastian pada mereka. Ada siasat jitu agar proposal yang disampaikan dapat segera dibaca, antara lain dengan teknik pengiriman yang tepat, misalnya melalui email atau facsimile, ada kecenderungan bahwa surat yang dikirim melalui facsimile dianggap sangat penting dan mendesak. bisa juga dilakukan berupa paket yang bikin heboh? Semua memang mesti dicoba.

sumber: www.12-monkeys.com

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Apakah EO (event Organizer)??

Penyelenggara acara (Inggris:Event organizer) adalah istilah untuk penyedia jasa profesional penyelenggara acara. Meski bisa dialihbahasakan, namun umumnya istilah aslinya tetap dipergunakan. Atau untuk mudahnya disebut EO Pada dasarnya, tugas dari EO. adalah membantu kliennya (client) untuk dapat menyelenggarakan acara yang diinginkan. Bisa jadi hal ini karena keterbatasan sumber daya atau waktu yang dimiliki klien, namun penggunaan jasa EO. juga dimungkinkan dengan alasan agar penyelenggaraannya profesional sehingga hasilnya lebih bagus daripada bila dikerjakan sendiri.

Jenis-jenis EO

Dilihat dari jenis acara yang diadakan, E.O. dapat dikategorikan menjadi:
  • One Stop Service Agency: E.O. besar yang mampu menyelenggarakan berbagai jenis acara hingga skala internasional sekalipun.
  • MICE : Kependekan dari Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). E.O. yang khusus bergerak di bidang penyelenggaraan acara berbentuk pertemuan.
  • Musik dan Hiburan: E.O. yang memiliki spesialisasi di bidang hiburan terutama musik.
  • Penyelenggara Pernikahan: E.O. yang mengkhususkan diri membantu klien mengadakan pesta pernikahan.
  • Penyelenggara Ulang Tahun: E.O. yang ahli membuat pesta ulang tahun termasuk untuk anak-anak.
  • Penyelenggara Pribadi: E.O. khusus yang bergerak untuk penyelenggaraan pesta pribadi terutama bagi orang kaya.
sumber : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_organizer